Camer not detected (RPi 4 bookworm with Global shutter camera)

Connected a Global shutter camera to a RPi 4 via the flat ribbon cable. It is not detected.

Failed to initialize linux tool Error: Cannot find any webcams, run this command with --disable-camera to skip selection
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/edge-impulse-linux/build/cli/linux/linux.js:447:23
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

Taking pictures with libcamera-still -o image.jpg works.

Project ID:
[Provide the project ID]

Context/Use case:
[Provide context or use case where the issue is encountered]

Steps Taken:
Connect camera, follow Raspberry Pi 4 | Edge Impulse Documentation

Expected Outcome:
Camera should work

Actual Outcome:
Camera does not work


  • [x] Always
  • [ ] Sometimes
  • [ ] Rarely


  • Platform: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
  • Build Environment Details:
  • OS Version: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64
  • Edge Impulse Version (Firmware): Edge Impulse Linux client v1.8.8


Not sure about the Global shutter camera, if its different to the standard but can you try some of the following hardware and software troubleshooting and share the output from the Raspberry Pi 4? Please follow these steps in order, including sharing any relevant debug output.

Hardware and Software Steps:

  1. Check Camera Interface Enablement: Ensure the camera interface is enabled in the Raspberry Pi configuration:
sudo raspi-config
  • Navigate to Interface Options > Camera and enable it.
  • Reboot the Raspberry Pi:
sudo reboot
  1. Check Permissions: Ensure your user has the necessary permissions to access the camera:
sudo usermod -aG video $USER
sudo reboot
  1. Update Raspberry Pi and Firmware: Make sure your Raspberry Pi OS and firmware are up to date:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo rpi-update
sudo reboot
  1. Install libcamera and Related Packages: Ensure libcamera and related packages are installed and configured:
sudo apt-get install libcamera-apps
  1. Install and Configure Edge Impulse Linux Client: Ensure the Edge Impulse Linux client is correctly installed:
npm install -g edge-impulse-linux
  1. Share the Output from the Edge Impulse Daemon with Debugging: Run the Edge Impulse daemon with debugging to get more detailed error messages. Please share the output:
edge-impulse-linux --disable-camera --verbose
  1. Override Default Camera Detection: Sometimes, specifying the camera manually can help. You might need to modify the Edge Impulse client configuration to explicitly use libcamera. Edit the Edge Impulse configuration file or run with specific flags:
edge-impulse-linux --force-camera /dev/video0

