Npm warn deprecated npmlog@4.1.2 when trying to install edge impulse-cli

Good morning,

i’m using google colab (DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=“Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS”, Python 3.10.12

when i tried to install edge impulse following the installation described here:
when i enter this command :!edge-impulse-linux-runner --download modelfile.eim
i get the following error:
/bin/bash: line 1: edge-impulse-linux-runner: command not found

before that when i tried to install edge impulse-cli i get
npm warn

output of :
!node -v
!npm -v
!npm config get prefix

thanks an advance

Hi @aydi

You can ignore the warnings for now. It looks like you dont have our CLI and runner on your PATH check the following to confirm

edge-impulse-linux-runner --version


Check the global npm installation path:

ls $(npm config get prefix)/bin

corepack edge-impulse-data-forwarder edge-impulse-uploader node
edge-impulse-blocks edge-impulse-framebuffer2jpg eta-flash-tool npm
edge-impulse-daemon edge-impulse-run-impulse himax-flash-tool npx

Try again to reinstall if the path is missing, and add it manually if needed -

npm uninstall -g edge-impulse-cli
npm install -g edge-impulse-cli



thank you to your reply.
i tried to uinstall and install edge-impulse-cli but nothing is changed.
this the output of this command (ls $(npm config get prefix)/bin):
corepack edge-impulse-data-forwarder edge-impulse-uploader node edge-impulse-blocks edge-impulse-framebuffer2jpg eta-flash-tool npm edge-impulse-daemon edge-impulse-run-impulse himax-flash-tool npx

i tried this but nothing is changed:
!export ‘PATH=$PATH:$(npm config get prefix)/bin’ >> ~/.profile

the ~/.profile did not changed.

thanks an advance

i solve the problem by the following command

!npm install edge-impulse-linux -g --unsafe-perm

which added edge-impulse-linux-runner in the global npm installation path.
edge-impulse-blocks renice
edge-impulse-camera-debug reset
edge-impulse-daemon resizepart
edge-impulse-data-forwarder resolvectl
edge-impulse-framebuffer2jpg rev
edge-impulse-linux rgrep
edge-impulse-linux-runner rlogin
edge-impulse-run-impulse rm
edge-impulse-uploader rmdir

but it appear an error when i tried to run the object-counting-using-fomo.ipynb project (in video section)
the error in model_info = runner.init()

Exec format error: ‘/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/Untitled folder/object-counting-test-linux-aarch64-v9.eim’
(i change the permission of .eim modelfile using !chmod +x object-counting-test-linux-aarch64-v9.eim)

thanks an advance

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