NMS Time Limits / Model Training

I am currently trying to retrain a model with some new data however I am hitting NMS time limits (Warning: NMS time limit exeeded 1.260s) & it has taken over 50 mins & it has only completed the first epoch & still not completed the first one. It used to be reasonably quick to train.

Project ID:
project ID: 568527

Context/Use case:
YOLOv5 model training on hand gestures

Expected Outcome:
Model shouldn’t hit the NMS limit & should run through all the epochs, not get stuck.


  • Platform: Raspberry Pi for deployment
  • Build Environment Details: Training though web interface windows 10
  • OS Version: Windows 10 / Raspberry Pi OS

Hi @ludiment

You are no longer on the enterprise trial so the previously working project now exceeds the training time please contact your sales representative or Contact Sales to discuss this. Thanks!

