How to Export Annotated Dataset as COCO format

Hello, i’m new to object detection, and AI in general. We annotated many images already, but not all. My other groupmate wants to use this annotated images with offline labeling software, since in their place, there’s no internet. Is this possible?

I already checked many documentations, and it results to Uploader feature of Edge Impulse. Though I can import any popular annotated dataset format, but can’t export it.

I want to get or download my labeled or annotated dataset as COCO.json format or any popular annotated dataset format.

Welcome to the forum @nicoabawag_gmail

Thanks for asking we have had this as a request before, let me check the status, or suggested steps. :smiley:



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Thanks for the response. I’m looking forward with this feature to be implemented, if so. Thank you for making this platform :heart:.

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