How can I use Nano 33 BLE sense to collect data by bluetooth and then upload to edge impulse for training a model?

I want to use Nano33 BLE sense to detect some motion while I am playing badminton. The problem is I cannot directly use a wire to connect Nano33 sense with a computer during collecting data. Therefore, I want to use the Bluetooth function of Nano33 sense to collect the motions’ data first and upload them to Edge Impulse. The problem is how can I develop the Bluetooth function to collect data and what is the format of the data required when uploading to Edge Impulse? Thank you.

I think it might be easiest while collecting the data to label the data. The un-labeld data would be put in your background or noise class.

This post describes a possible path forward. The basic premise is to Bluetooth the data from the Nano33 to a nearby computer. The computer operator would label the data as it is coming in and saves the data to individual files. Then you use the EI Studio to upload the files.