Hello, nice to meet you, I would like you to help me with a problem I have, it is that I am using a camera (ESP32 CAM), and I am trying to see my project in Arduino IDE, and to see my project I went to examples, then look for the library of my project and I went to the camera of the esp32, as in the following image: Uploading: image.png…
but when compiling it I get an error, it tells me that “CAMERA_FB_IN_PSRAM’ was not declared in this scope” and it won’t let me upload the program to my ESP32 CAM
I emphasize that the code that I am compiling is an example that edge impulse gives me so that I can use it with the model library that I have created, which in this case my model is called “leaf health detector”.
You can change the board to “ESP32 Dev Module”. Make sure all the settings match the ones in the documentation. It also works with the AI Thinker ESP32-Cam hardware.
If that’s the case, you may need to update esp32 core packages. To do so just remove the esp32 boards in your board manager, remove link in preferences->Additional board managers and add this link again in the additional board manager: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/gh-pages/package_esp32_index.json
I managed to compile my code, but I have a problem, is that when executing the code on my ESP32 CAM, I get the errors in the following images (I also tried to reset my esp32 CAM but I get the same error)