Configuring ESP32-WROOM-32 WIFI connection for remotely data collection

I am using an ESP32-WROOM-32 dev board with a Windows PC, I flashed a corresponding firmware and successfully connect the device via serial protocol with USB cable on my PC using edge-impulse-daemon command on the CLI.
But it is useless as I need the device connected via WIFI to the Edge Impulse Studio for bringing samples from the field inside the project (audio from an I2S microphone).
So, when I run the edge-impulse-daemon command it skips the step with WIFI connection and jumps directly to COM ports connection.

All I found on your platform regarding this issue is that:

> If your device is not connected to the remote management interface - for example because it does not have an IP connection

I found this solution GitHub - edgeimpulse/integration-tests-firmware: Integration tests for the Edge Impulse remote management and serial protocol but it is an example for mac OS and I have a Windows PC.
Also tried to setup the wifi from RTOS terminal but with no response:


So, I try to find a straightforward solution for connecting my device via WIFI.


Hi @sorin

Did you try the firmware route? Flash the firmware and configure the wifi on the esp32?



Tried with ESP-IDF to build and flash the firmware project but same result. I cannot set the wifi SSID and password via AT command: AT+WIFI=SSID,PASSWORD,SECURITY

This command is replying nothing when launched with corresponding arguments.
I guess the RTOS is running well as, for instance, AT+CONFIG? command is replying with some info regarding the device.

Any other idea?
