Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense rev2 acquisitions are empty

Data acquisitions are empty.
Are all Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense rev2’s sensors broken?
Wrong firmware?

Project ID:
Context/Use case:

Steps Taken:

  1. downloaded
  2. updated the fw following Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense | Edge Impulse Documentation
  3. executed flash_windows.bat
  4. executed edge-impulse-daemon
  5. Once connected the device to the project, start acquisition (accelerometer + gyro), but the behavior with microphone is the same)
  6. Once data upload completed, the page shows all signals at 0 (see attached image)

Expected Outcome:
accZ cant’t be all 0

Actual Outcome:
[Describe what actually happened]


  • [x] Always
  • [ ] Sometimes
  • [ ] Rarely


Additional Information:
Data acquisistion cli

[WS ] Incoming sampling request {
  path: '/api/training/data',
  label: 'Idle',
  length: 2000,
  interval: 10,
  hmacKey: '7c4d21654374e7c419d101b0f074cda9',
  sensor: 'Inertial (Accelerometer / Gyroscope)'
[SER] Configured upload settings
[SER] Sampling started
[SER] Sampling done
[SER] Device not connected to WiFi directly, reading from buffer (bytes 0 - 19364, expecting to read ~25818 bytes...
[SER] Reading 35% complete...
[SER] Reading 75% complete...
[SER] Reading from buffer OK
[SER] File is 19364 bytes after decoding
[SER] Uploading to
[SER] Uploading to OK

fw update

You're using an untested version of Arduino CLI, this might cause issues (found: 1.1.0, expected: 0.33.x
You're using an untested version of Arduino CLI, this might cause issues (found: 1.1.0, expected: 0.33.x
Finding Arduino Mbed core...
Installing Arduino Mbed core...
Sto scaricando l'indice: package_index.tar.bz2 scaricato
Sto scaricando i pacchetti...
arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4 scaricato
arduino:bossac@1.9.1-arduino2 scaricato
arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1 scaricato
arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2 scaricato
arduino:rp2040tools@1.0.6 scaricato
arduino:mbed_nano@4.0.2 scaricato
Installazione arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4...
Strumento di configurazione....
arduino:arm-none-eabi-gcc@7-2017q4 installato
Installazione arduino:bossac@1.9.1-arduino2...
Strumento di configurazione....
arduino:bossac@1.9.1-arduino2 installato
Installazione arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1...
Strumento di configurazione....
arduino:dfu-util@0.10.0-arduino1 installato
Installazione arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2...
Strumento di configurazione....
arduino:openocd@0.11.0-arduino2 installato
Installazione arduino:rp2040tools@1.0.6...
Strumento di configurazione....
arduino:rp2040tools@1.0.6 installato
Sto installando la piattaforma arduino:mbed_nano@4.0.2...
Configurazione della piattaforma....
La piattaforma arduino:mbed_nano@4.0.2 è installata
Installing Arduino Mbed core OK
Finding Arduino Mbed core OK
Finding Arduino Nano 33 BLE...
Finding Arduino Nano 33 BLE OK at COM5
arduino:mbed_nano 4.0.2      4.2.1  Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards
Device       : nRF52840-QIAA
Version      : Arduino Bootloader (SAM-BA extended) 2.0 [Arduino:IKXYZ]
Address      : 0x0
Pages        : 256
Page Size    : 4096 bytes
Total Size   : 1024KB
Planes       : 1
Lock Regions : 0
Locked       : none
Security     : false
Erase flash

Hi @robertof

Is this in relation to the LSM9DS1 support query? I believe that sensor fusion for this rev2 will not work the same.

