@jstanle1 @Jurg @moisi.george @dattasaurabh82
Teensy is coming up with a new core in a few days that has some Machine Learning fixes. It can now do Arduino_Tensorflowlite!
Teensy BETA 12 is ready here
By the way I am not sure what they have done but with the Arduino IDE it compiles really fast.
I also got my single page version of TensorflowLite here working: It was a debug error, that the default works fine.
Other teensy threads:
Hello community.
There is a good support for nrf52 for arduinoBLE33 form edge impulse. But I was wondering how to try out some other cortex Mx boards that are famous in the community like Adafruit Feather MO, M4 and teensy 4.1 (cortex M7 & teensy-duino platform). Because there are some gotchas and pitfalls where the arduino library will not work on these especially for teensy.
Is there are near horizon plan where the team is looking into it? Some support just beyond nano BLE 33 would be very h…
I have a sEMG muscular signal classifier project that is designed to be run on the Teensy 4.1 arduino compatible platform. And i’ve decided to use the Edge Impulse platform in order to cut on software developement time and resolve the large time constraints of this one person project. This helps me a lot in freeing up time to focus on the larger hardware part of signal acquisition and movement replication.
The issue i am facing right now is that the code is hitting a EIDSP_MATRIX_SIZE_M…
Ok, deploying a new model results in similar issues you are experiencing. Our SDK depends on the math functions in cmsis_gcc.h where also functions for enabling / disabling the interrupts are declared. The Teensy has declared those functions as macro inside the processor header file (imxrt.h).
A quick fix would be to check if the macro already exist in cmsis_gcc.h like:
\brief Enable IRQ Interrupts
\details Enables IRQ interrupts by clearing the I-bit in the CPSR.
Can only…
aurel –
Thanks for your prompt reply; I’ll make that change for SAMD51.
For Teensy I am using TeensyDunio.
Thanks again.
Anyone know of other, perhaps python based microcontroller code visualization projects? I just found out about the Teensy Audio one at https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/gui , both Visuino and Teensy representatives have talked to me about including some Machine Learning into their Visual Code organization projects. Anyone have any opinions on this?
I personally don’t even know where to start with coding on these platforms, coming from a programming background, but I do see how many people would pref…
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My ML file now works on the Teensy https://github.com/hpssjellis/my-examples-for-the-arduino-portentaH7/blob/master/m09-Tensoflow/research/teensy4.0-02-try-works
which typically means EdgeImpulse files work. I only have a Teensy Audio board, no acclerometer or camera, anyone any opinion if the Edge Impulse audio Arduino Exports might work?
June 30, 2021, 2:54pm
Hi @Rocksetta ,
The audio example uses the Arduino PDM library. You’ll need to adapt the code as the Teensy audio board seems to use a specific audio lib.
1 Like
July 14, 2021, 4:42am
@Rocksetta did you have any luck with the audio library? Not using the Teensy Audio breakout board, just looking to use a I2S mic breakout. Would be awesome getting these working on the teensy 4. so much power, so much potential
Sorry not yet, was hoping for some audio support from my teensy contact. Seems they do audio in a much more complex way than many other boards.