Nothing like working code. This code works on the Portenta saving to an SD card and uploads using the uploader. It takes the analog value from A1, A2, A3, A4 and allows the data uploader to enter the labelled values onto Edge Impulse using the command
edge-impulse-uploader *.json
Portenta - TestSDCARD
The sketch shows how to mount an SDCARD and list its content.
then add a file.
Note: SD Card seems finisky, takes a few times to load the filesystem
The circuit:
- Portenta H7 + Vision Shield
- Portenta H7 + Portenta Breakout
This example code is in the public domain.
#include "SDMMCBlockDevice.h"
#include "FATFileSystem.h"
SDMMCBlockDevice block_device;
mbed::FATFileSystem fs("fs");
FILE *myFile;
char buffer[40]; // must be long enough for all data points with commas: 56,34,23,56
void setup() {
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("Mounting SDCARD...");
int err = fs.mount(&block_device);
if (err) {
// Reformat if we can't mount the filesystem
// this should only happen on the first boot
Serial.println("No filesystem found, please check on computer and manually format if needed.");
// err = fs.reformat(&block_device); // seriously don't want to format your good data
if (err) {
Serial.println("Error formatting SDCARD ");
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ent;
int dirIndex = 0;
Serial.println("List SDCARD content: ");
if ((dir = opendir("/fs")) != NULL) {
// Print all the files and directories within directory (not recursively)
while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
closedir (dir);
} else {
// Could not open directory
Serial.println("Error opening SDCARD\n");
if(dirIndex == 0) {
Serial.println("Empty SDCARD");
Serial.println("------------------------- Done --------------------------------");
void loop() {
int myTime = millis()/1000; // seconds since the sketch began
//char myFileName[] = "fs/folder1/00000000.json"; // works if folder1 pre-made
char myFileName[] = "fs/00000000.json"; // fs/ needs to be there think fileSystem
int myExtensionLength = 4; // .txt = 3 .json = 4
// does anyone understand why the + '0' is needed below???
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 10] = myTime/10000000 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 9] = myTime/1000000 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 8] = myTime/100000 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 7] = myTime/10000 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 6] = myTime/1000 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 5] = myTime/100 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 4] = myTime/10 % 10 + '0';
myFileName[sizeof(myFileName)- myExtensionLength - 3] = myTime % 10 + '0';
// Can make a new file but can't make a new folder
myFile = fopen(myFileName, "a"); // "a" for append or make it if file not there
// fprintf(myFile,"test \r\n");
// now lets get the sensor values
char buffer1[7];
itoa( analogRead(A1), buffer1, 10);
char buffer2[7];
itoa( analogRead(A2), buffer2, 10);
char buffer3[7];
itoa( analogRead(A3), buffer3, 10);
char buffer4[7];
itoa( analogRead(A4), buffer4, 10);
char myComma[] = ",";
memcpy (buffer, "", sizeof(buffer) ); // one way to delete the old buffer
strcat(buffer, buffer1);
strcat(buffer, myComma);
strcat(buffer, buffer2);
strcat(buffer, myComma);
strcat(buffer, buffer3);
strcat(buffer, myComma);
strcat(buffer, buffer4);
fprintf(myFile, buffer);
Not live using the forwarder but better than nothing.