Won’t connect to the terminal

As you can see from the image, the EdgeSTB-475E-IOT01A is showing a red dot and when I try to run the EDGE Impulse CLI it won’t connect. The main page say I’m 34% connected?
Any ideas? Is it possible to start over?

Try running:

$ edge-impulse-daemon --clean

This will reset the credentials and the settings on the board, prompt you for a log in, and will reprovision the keys in the board.

That worked thanks! Are there any updates on how to connect to WiFi?

@KELVIC3D What happens if you try to connect to a WiFi network? Does the device freeze?

There is a known bug where there are more than 20 WiFi networks in the ST hardware unfortunately. See https://github.com/ARMmbed/wifi-ism43362/issues/72.