Why am I getting this error when I try connecting Photon 2 to WebUSB?

I have latest firmware updated. Does Edge Impulse not support Photon 2?

Newbie here so I can’t comment on much in detail but I can say for sure that it does work with the Photon 2. I just got my Photon 2 a month ago and I know very little…but I was able to follow the steps here, Particle Photon 2 - Edge Impulse Documentation, and

1)create an Impulse project, 2) add my Photon 2 Device to the project (I chose to “Flash a Particle Photon 2 Binary”) as well as 3) start the Data acquisition portion, or sampling, of the data. I actually got back sensor data from it which was pretty cool!

This was only a test to see if I could get that far so I can’t say how much further than that. I hope to retry soon but I am so new to things that I really need to learn some more basic stuff first. It works though, at least doing via the binary way it did. Hope this helps a little.