Hi, My model worked in live classification test using both phone and test files. However, when I tried to run a deployment test with WASM, there was a matrix error. I’m not sure about the cause. Attached is the message with the error-code. Please help to check and advice for the probable causes. Thanks.
F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM>node run-impulse.js “348, 194, 62, -53, -165, -282, -400, -511, -601, -667, -712, -746, -777, -814, …”
out_matrix = 1x611
calculated size = 17473x13
Assertion failed: false, at: edge-impulse-sdk/classifier/ei_run_dsp.h,267,extract_mfcc_features
Assertion failed: false, at: edge-impulse-sdk/classifier/ei_run_dsp.h,267,extract_mfcc_features
Failed to initialize classifier RuntimeError: abort(Assertion failed: false, at: edge-impulse-sdk/classifier/ei_run_dsp.h,267,extract_mfcc_features). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
at abort (F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM\edge-impulse-standalone.js:1:9556)
at __assert_fail (F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM\edge-impulse-standalone.js:1:11963)
at :wasm-function[270]:0x12ef4
at :wasm-function[134]:0xa2b7
at :wasm-function[350]:0x1eb71
at :wasm-function[183]:0x102de
at L (:wasm-function[201]:0x10452)
at Module.dynCall_iiiii (F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM\edge-impulse-standalone.js:1:55922)
at dynCall_iiiii_37 (eval at makeDynCaller (F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM\edge-impulse-standalone.js:1:29826), :4:12)
at Object.run_classifier (eval at new (F:\Projects\EdgeImpulse\Project-1\WASM\edge-impulse-standalone.js:1:35504), :10:10)
Hi Aurel, Thanks for this hint. I checked the pasting parameters and found that there was a problem that all data values were not pasted completely by the system. It is possible that the command line is too long with these 48000 added parameters. I tried to change some Windows consoles configurations, but it didn’t help. There’s also a problem with a batch file. Below is a snapshot for the pasting issue with incomplete data at the end. I’m thinking if these parameters can be saved in a csv text file, then the run-impulse.js can take in as an input file to parse for the data. This will help to solve the problem. Will this proposal be possible for a new feature? Please let me know. Thanks.
Right Windows (actually linked to NTFS) has a limitation of 32k characters.
Features can be written in a csv, otherwise a simple thing is to copy all features directly in the run-impulse.js, you can modify it as follows:
classifier.init().then(() => {
let raw = "121, 33, 434, 454, 545....."
let result = classifier.classify(raw.trim().split(',').map(n => Number(n)));