ValueError: Cannot load file containing pickled data when allow_pickle=False

Hello EI Team,

I like to notify the following bug?.
(Project ID = 77655)

I had trained a model (yesterday).

Today, I try to retrain the model.

However I obtain the following error:

ValueError: Cannot load file containing pickled data when allow_pickle=False


To only way to solve this (so far I see) is by recalculating the features. What I have done is modify the scaling from 1 to 0.5 => recalculating the features => modify scaling from 0.5 back to 1 => recalculate the features

I was able to retrain the model. However, if I perform model testing and I obtain a complete different result, compared to yesterday. Result model testing:

Screenshot from 2022-02-22 16-48-56

During model testing, I notice the following Not generating new features

Creating job... OK (ID: 2204852)

Generating features for Raw data...
Not generating new features: features already generated and no options or files have changed.
Classifying data for Regression...
Classifying data for float32 model...
Scheduling job in cluster...
Job started


I have done the following steps: scaling from 1 to 0.5 => recalculating the features => modify scaling from 0.5 back to 1 => recalculating the features. Retrain the model and perform model testing. And I obtain:

Screenshot from 2022-02-22 16-54-18

Same as yesterday!

I have some doubt about the selected features (training vs. model testing).

  • If I recalculating the features, does it only recalculate the features for only the training set?
  • Is it possible, during step 1, that different features are selected, during training and model testing. For example during training the features scale 1 but during testing still these of scale 0.5.

I also provide you the Traceback for the ValueError

Creating job... OK (ID: 2204586)

Job started
Splitting data into training and validation sets...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/", line 364, in <module>
  File "/home/", line 148, in main_function
    X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test, X_train_raw =
  File "/app/./resources/libraries/ei_tensorflow/", line 74, in split_and_shuffle_data
    Y = np.load(os.path.join(dir_path, y_train_path), mmap_mode='r')[:,0]
  File "/app/keras/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/lib/", line 445, in load
    raise ValueError("Cannot load file containing pickled data "
ValueError: Cannot load file containing pickled data when allow_pickle=False

Application exited with code 1 (Error)

Job failed (see above)


Hi @Joeri,

The allow_pickle=False error was noted a few days ago, and I made a comment to the issue ticket that you’re seeing the same error. Thank you for letting us know.

When you calculate features, it should only do so for the training set. Features for the test set should only be computed when you click the “classify” button. You should not have access to the testing tab if you have not trained (or re-trained) your model.

To make sure I understand the issue correctly: are you seeing a scaling factor of 0.5 being applied to your test set when your training set had a scaling factor of 1.0?

@shawn_edgeimpulse Thanks for the response.

To make sure I understand the issue correctly: are you seeing a scaling factor of 0.5 being applied to your test set when your training set had a scaling factor of 1.0?

It was a hypotheses. But your question has triggered me, I had to check this by taking a look to the Classification result, and more specific the features.

Hi @Joeri, the allow_pickle issue has been fixed, and will be released in the next patch release (probably today). The underlying issue was that we were copying features from DSP => ML block but waiting for the finished event on the read stream, rather than the write stream. Because of this we sometimes start jobs before the features file was completely written, leading to a corrupt file.

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