Validation Set Size


One thing that I noticed is that any change in validation set size does not really work.

As can be seen in this shot, the validation set size is set to 10 percent but I see:
Training on 24541 inputs, validating on 6136 inputs
That shows 20 percent validation size in the dataset.
Am I missing something?

Thank you in advance,

Hi @Sina,

Thank you for pointing this out. It has been reported as a bug to our development team.

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Thank you for confirming.
For those wanting to change the validation size before the Edge Impulse team get this fixed, I change the validation size in visual mode and then switch to expert mode and this works for me at this time.
@shawn_edgeimpulse, one more question, I would like to do the data augmentation but sounds like it is not possible in expert mode, is there any way to do that?

Hi @Sina,

If you click the “data augmentation” checkbox and then switch to Expert mode, you can see that data augmentation is added with the SpecAugment() function.

Thank you so much @shawn_edgeimpulse for responding.

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