Using Spectrogram block locally

Hello, I am trying to generate spectrograms for my data(around y axis) from the magnetometer using the Spectrogram block. The problem is when I check raw features, they are not the same as what I uploaded as train data. I checked the code for spectrogram on edge impulse GitHub repo and it seems there is not preprocessing happening for raw features there. Can anyone tell why it is changing values of my raw data?

Hi @Saad,

Have you changed the default frequency in the Create Impulse page? This would affect your raw data as it applies some downsampling.


Hi @aurel , thanks for answering, yes I changed it and data is as expected. Can you kindly point out which script from edge impulse’s GitHub repository it uses to downsample data?

Hi @Saad,

The downsample feature is not open-sourced on github but you can find sample code on the web if you want to know more.
