Using Edge Impulse with a MicroMod Board

Hi there,

I just wanted to check what people’s recommendations are on using this with a MicroMod board. I am using the Artemis carrier and processor for dedicated machine learning. (On the board it is listed as Machine Learning and the processor as MicroMod Artemis)

On the site I have uploaded the data already and gone through all the steps to create a model, but I am now unsure as to how to upload it to the board and would like to hear what you consider is “best practice” for this. As this isn’t strictly one of the development boards supported (that I can see), should I download the Arduino library in the deployment section and then change the internals to try and reference my board as much as possible? The board in Arduino is referenced as “SparkFun Artemis MicroMod” if that helps.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Moerae,

This is probably what you’re looking for:


That looks great! I’ll be sure to follow through it ASAP. My model is to do with audio classification but I’m assuming that the only change will be with the model itself and the name of the downloaded library from that model.

I know this is a lot to ask, but are there there any changes that you could foresee that I would have to make? I would rather try to address as many problems now as possible instead of creating a new thread.

Once you’ve downloaded the new library, the only different in the inferencing code ( is initializing your microphone instead of accelerometer, and fill the buffer with audio samples.


Hi, I am looking for a sample to implement this sound classification ( ) model into an Sparkfun Artemis board (this one or similar: ). Can you help?


Hello @iarakis,

Of course we can help, although I don’t think anyone in the team have this board.
Feel free to let us know if you encounter any issue and we might be able to guide you.



Personally I have not further investigate the Artemis, but check

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Hi Louis,

Finally, I opted for Seeed Xiao Ble Sense which has a nice microphone and accelerometer.
Is there any sample for audio sound classification?



Please find a dataset for keyword spotting here:

Feel free to build your own as well, we have two tutorials in our docs


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Hello @iarakis,

Great. Here is an article about the Xiao BLE Sense too: Trying out Edge Impulse machine learning platform on XIAO BLE Sense board - CNX Software

