Using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 to measure IMU and Audio Data

I’m using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 to measure IMU and Audio data at the same time. I’m using the data forwarder to achieve this. I’ve got my 7 axes (accX, accY, accZ, gyrX, gyrY, gyrZ, audio). I’ve upscaled the acc and gyr values to 16000Hz - same as audio. Is the data forwarder able to handle this? As I am getting samples that are labelled as “0s” in the Edge Impulse Data Acquisition List.

If it is not possible, how would I go about combining IMU and Audio data together, using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2?

I tried to record separate data (i.e. one audio sample for label1, and one IMU sample for label1) using the same label, but the spectral features analysis says that it is unable to process the audio files - even though I’ve only selected the accelerometers and gyroscope on the spectral features block on the create impulse screen.

@louis Any thoughts on this - thanks much appreciated.

Same issue,
I think it is becuase rev2 has BMI270 sensor instead of LSM9DS1

Hi @robertof @njofbabylon

Yes that sensor is 6 axis vs 9 axis in the older one, you could add an external LSM9DS1 to get the functionality and modify the firmware / driver.

