University student access?


I am a MSc student in Electrical Engineering from the Eindhoven university of technology where I specialize in signal processing and ML. Amongst many other things I have studied low-level GPU programming, accelerator design/control and a buch of mathematics…

Besides my courses I am following the introduction in embedded machine learning course from @ShawnHymel to get a bit more practical experience. I really like using edge impulse but I would also love to use the API and develop some of my own blocks.

Is there any possibility to get access to some of these features for educational/research purposes? Similar to how GitHub gives you access to it’s ‘pro’ features if you verify your student e-mail adress. I looked around on the forum but nobody has asked this question before so I thought I would put it here.

Thanks, Stefan

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@langestefan Edge Impulse is almost all Open Source.

For PBs see processing blocks.

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Thanks, I thought it was a pro only feature.

@langestefan Thats awesome you are following Shawns course, and are pursuing such a course, it would be nice to see some custom processing blocks coming from the community.

As @MMarcial said we are an open source community, so if there is a block you can build from a DSP perspective, which is of value to the wider community please put in a pull request and the team will happily respond. Ping in here if you need me to advise on how to put a pr in, or have an initial block design in mind. :smiley:

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