Unable to use docker build <..> . on windows server 2022

I am trying to use a GPU on a VM using Windows Sever 2022. It is not possible to install Docker Desktop, however I am able to download standard Command Prompt Docker using this link: Install Docker on Windows Server 2022 - Virtualization Howto
I was able to skip step 1 and 2 since those installations were already installed.

I am able to pull certain images using docker pull <…>. But I am not able to use either: “docker build -t custom-block-160711 .” or directly “docker pull public.ecr.aws/g7a8t7v6/jobs-container-keras-export-base:21cdcb3e9213db8184a111d684c4014df9e7f4b9” (which is the link inside the Dockerfile. [BASED ON: ECR Public Gallery]

This gives me an error which states: Docker: “no matching manifest for windows/amd64 in the manifest list entries”. I think it is only possible to use the Docker Build on a linux, arm64 or Docker Desktop compatible computer/VM? I am wondering what kind of workaround I can try or if there will be a windows compattible release.

I might have misunderstood my whole problem / situation

Hello @djoii,

Which tutorial/compilation are you referring to?
We use docker build in various guides :slight_smile:

