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We have pretrained Yolo v2-tiny model which detects persons. We need to retrain that model, is it possible to do it with Edge impulse? Now when I select bring pretrained model then I can not retrain it.
Hello @Buxsas11,
You can do this with the Custom Learning Blocks:
Now when I select bring pretrained model then I can not retrain it.
Could you share more context please, what steps did you follow, etc…
Our aim, to retrain Yolo v2 tiny for object detection by our dataset. let say I have tried to play with edge impulse to recognize small car models. I have managed to do it with proposed Yolo v5 nano version. I want to do it with our Yolo v2 tiny. I want to use the same dataset, but external pretrained model. We know that Yolo v2 tiny works on our embedded platform. It is new MCU/MPU. we are working under NDA. We need just have capability to retrain current model. I am searching tools which could allow to do it faster and have full chain of the AI process from data collection, labeling to verification of the model.
OK thanks!
As I mentioned above, the custom learning blocks are your solution where you’ll need to package your training script with your pre-trained weights and then you can use the data in your Edge Impulse project to fine-tune a model.
If you need support on the custom learning blocks, I can happily put you in contact with our Sales team. This is something we can offer for the Enterprise Plan.
If you prefer to implement it yourself, we have examples on how to do this with YOLOv5: GitHub - edgeimpulse/yolov5: YOLOv5 transfer learning model for Edge Impulse
Also, feel free to share your custom learning block with the community here if you have something working well. I am sure other community members would be interested and grateful.
Thank you for info. Yes, I see it as a solution. Would be nice to have a help. Still we are waiting price for the enterprise plan. Would be nice to have some digits to evaluate before the next steps.