TinyML for Good: Our Commitment

Great companies are not driven by technologies or products, they are driven by vision and culture. When Jan and I founded Edge Impulse we envisioned that embedded machine learning would have a huge impact on society and our environment. To ensure that it has a positive impact, we included Tech for Good as a fundamental part of our values along with developer enablement and user experience. Today we’ve announced that Edge Impulse has joined 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of our revenue to support nonprofit organizations focused on the environment. Towards this pledge, Edge Impulse has partnered with Rainforest Trust, with an initial donation to protect 5,000 acres of threatened rainforests and other tropical ecosystems around the world, supporting endangered species and storing 737,500 metric tons of carbon. We are the first AI company to make this commitment to environmental work.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.edgeimpulse.com/blog/tinyml-for-good