Thingy53 with Zephyr Never appear in nRF Edge Impulse Android App


I’ve been trying the tutorial in the link above for 2 days. I can create the using docker. I put this dfu_application (or I’ve also tried with 1) mcumgr -t 60 --conntype serial --connstring=/dev/ttyACM0 image list
2) mcumgr -t 60 --conntype serial --connstring=/dev/ttyACM0 image upload app_update.bin
)and I successfully burn the firmware.

However, when I access the nRF Edge Impulse app on Android and create a new public project, I go to the add devices option and the device never appears in the app


How to solve this?


I solved this when I unregistered the Bluetooth devices from my Android phone and restarted the procedure from scratch with only thingy53 registered on Bluetooth.

Screenshot_20250303_224350_nRF Edge Impulse

For the ‘Impulse is null’ error, are you able to login to, and build an Impulse and Train a model in there?

cc: @vojislav – Didn’t you and I come across an “Impulse is null” error once in the past, or am I imaging that? IF so, do you recall how we resolved it?

I see that @neuberfran has solved the problem. Depending on the way you upgrade the firmware you might need to delete the device to be able to add it again, like you did.

If you stumble upon any other issue with Thingy53 firmware feel free to mention me in the ticket.


@davidtischler_edgeim Tks.

This video is very good and enlightening. From what I understand, I should go to the desktop-pc on the edge impulse page and go to acquisition data before deploying to thingy53. I think I’ll do something soon.

@vojislav thingy:53 I have damage to the sw2 pin and I am unable to enter the DFU - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone

I think there is a more correct tutorial missing (with west build xxxxx xxxxx & west flash) using segger mini edu for Zephyr latest version

@neuberfran so Thingy53 does not come with onboard Segger programer, but you can use it with external one. This can be an Segger Mini as you suggested but also an Nordic Development Kit with correct cable.
Regarding building and flashing it is straightforward as you mentioned and you can find info on how to do in in our firmware repo for Nordic Thingy53 device.

@vojislav Ok. Maybe I didn’t explain properly what I’m referring to (in my last post)

If you see the latest messages of this issue thingy:53 I have damage to the sw2 pin and I am unable to enter the DFU - Nordic Q&A - Nordic DevZone - Nordic DevZone

I’m actually having errors getting zephyr 3.7.99 for edge impulse app using west build and west flash with jlink segger mini edu