Thingy 53 New firmware inferencing issue


First of all thank you for providing an update to the thingy 53 firmware.

I used nrf sdk 2.4.2 to successfully build the firmware.

When i flash the device with the firmware, I can collect data with the nRF Edge impulse app.

The problem is when I start inferencing to get the ML model output.

I ran the provided firmware and model as is. here is the error I am getting when i start inferencing from the app.

When I run my own model, the inferencing does not start. My model worked fine when I used the older firmware with SDK 1.9.1.

Hi @SidAHakim

Thanks for the alert! This may already be fixed. Let me check with the tech team.

@vojislav FYI.



Hi @SidAHakim

Thanks for pointing this out! We are aware of this and the fix should be coming soon to production and documentation (for downloadable binaries)
