TFLite external delegate with Linux C++ SDK

Hi, is there a way to run or integrate my external delegate with the Linux C++ SDK?

I currently have a working .so dynamic library that uses the TensorFlow Lite external delegate mechanism.

Hi @kolejnik,

Yes you can. For example you can place your <your-lib>.so in one of the subfolders in tflite/ for the target your building for. Then in Makefile you adapt the build flags for the target you’re buidling, for example to link against you’re library add LDFLAGS+= -l<your-lib>.

// Raul

Hi @rjames,

If I understand correctly, first I need to compile my external delegate as a static library. Then, I should link it in the Makefile as you described, and it should select my external delegate without any changes in the C++ code. Is that correct?

I’m asking because I don’t think you can link a dynamic library (.so) as a static library (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Thanks for your help.

Hi @kolejnik,

No need to build your library as a static library. You can link against your dynamic library. We do this already for example with our flex delegates (see and Makefile).
Note that because it’s linking dynamically you’ll have to copy the flex delegate library also to the target (e.g. in /usr/local/lib) before execution.

Hi @rjames,

I’ve linked my dynamic library, but when I run CUSTOM APP, I still see the log message INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.

Are we sure there aren’t any additional changes needed in the C++ code? I found the function TfLiteDelegate* TfLiteExternalDelegateCreate(const TfLiteExternalDelegateOptions* options); in the TensorFlow repository, and I’m wondering if we need to call this function in the Edge Impulse SDK to activate the external delegate.

Hi @kolejnik,

Yes, I think you’ll hack it into the SDK, at least for an MVP.
Take a look at edge-impulse-sdk/classifier/inferencing_engines/tflite_tidl.h around line 94 where we dynamically load delegate and use it. Maybe it sets you in the right direction.

If you have a public repository, please share.

To see what libraries your custom app depends on run:

readelf -d build/custom | grep NEEDED

See if you’re lib is in the list.