TFlite Bring your own model

the model im using outputs 4,4,5 as in output for each grid cell (there are 16 grid cells) and the 5 elemetn vector is [confidnece value, center x coordinate - scaled 0 to 1 according to where it is in that grid cell (not the whole image), center y coordinate - scaled 0 to 1 according to where it is in that grid cell, width scaled 0 to 1 according to the size of the grid cell, height scaled 0 to 1 according to the size of the grid cell].
But the only options to select Output layer are Yolov7, v5, vX, v2 Brain Chip and none of them match.
Also the Yolov2 brain chip option won’t let me save the model

the Yolo v7 gives this output when predicting for one image: not enough values to unpack (expected 7, got 4)

Hi @aadya

Are you working with Brainchip hardware, is this a change in behaviour compared to the previous version? If so we can flag to our tech team.



fyi @mateusz @jbuckEI