Sparkfun Muscle AI workshop troubleshooting

Just DM’d you, should have been in the email from Sparkfun.


Where can we get the instructions for joining the workshop?
I got my kit, but never received the instructions.

I am getting the following error when compiling the inference sketch.
C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\arm-none-eabi-gcc\7-2017q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++.exe: The filename or extension is too long.
Error compiling for board SparkFun MicroMod nRF52840 Processor Board.

Has anybody seen the same issue?
Is there a fix or workaround?

If any of you want to see the replay of the workshop, here it is:

And here is the link of the tutorial that will cover all the steps:


This issue has been fixed in Arduino v1.8.15, could you check your Arduino version?
If you need to use an older version, we have a workaround to bypass this limit:


I’ve recently participated in an “AI WORKSHOP: MEET YOUR NEW FITNESS
Unfortunately I am not able to connect to the board, when I connect it via
the USB, the board is not visible in the Arduino IDE. Other similar boards
(e.g. Nano BLE Sence) were working just fine with the same set up.

I am using MacOs.

Can you please point me in the right direction? At the moment it looks like
the hardware is faulty but perhaps I am missing something.

Thanks, @aurel. Yes, I was able to get the code to compile by switching to the 1.8.15 IDE. I was using the 1.8.13 IDE before.

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Hello @PinkTennisBall,

Could you try with another USB C cable / USB Hub maybe?
The USB connector is different from the Arduino BLE Sense so maybe it comes from it.

I also encounter an issue with the MicroMod when I forgot to add the Wire.h library, after uploading a sketch missing the library, the board was not able to connect to my Laptop.
First thing I tried was to press the reset button twice and see if it detects it back.
If you still can’t see the board, what I did was to remove the nRF52840 processor (remove the screw, remove the processor and then put it back). And it came back.

Let me know if this fixes your issue,



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I faced the same problem, the USB cable came with my kit is not working for data transfer, it is only for powering the board. Use some other type C cable and it would work.

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Thanks @louis,

Switching a USB-C cable did the trick. The board is now detectable and I can connect to it and upload the data_forwarded_example sketch.

Thanks a bunch for you help, i’ll continue with the recorded workshop.
