I ran the Coursera tutorials using cell phone w/o glitch. Now running them w/Nano BLE Sense. Uploading samples from microphone works as expected. Same with Interactional (i.e., brightness, color). Environmental shows constant Pressure and Temp = 0 even if breathing on it during sampling. Inertial shows all 9 variables = 0. Selecting Inertial + Environmental gives same result.
Selecting all three (Inertial + Environmental + Interactional) gives these weird result (10 second samples, moving the Nano 3 seconds on each axis). What am I missing? While we’re at it, how can I make all graph legends fit in sample graph window?
Adding the other results (new users can only add one picture per post)
BTW: I updated the Nano’s firmware to the latest version and installed in my Windows 11 the required Python, Node.js, Arduino CLI & Edge Impulse CLI according to instructions
@OmarShrit All Arduino sketches I’ve tested (in Arduino IDE 2) work simply by updating the #include library statements with the new IMU and Temp/Humidity libraries. Microphone doesn’t need a new library.
The question is if this approach works with Edge Impulse’s firmware: It would seem updates in arduino-build.sh, ei_environmentsensor.cpp and ei_lsm9ds1.h would fix this?
short answer:
…\examples\nano_ble33_sense\nano_ble33_sense_accelerometer\nano_ble33_sense_accelerometer.ino:143:2: error: #error “Invalid model for current sensor” #error “Invalid model for current sensor”
exit status 1
Compilation error: #error “Invalid model for current sensor”
13 days ago Louis says here, “Also note that if you choose to go with the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense, Arduino release a REV2 which is not yet fully compatible with the default firmware.”
@LouisFeature Request: When compiling an Ardy Library in the Studio pop-up a message that says the aforementioned Rev 2 is not yet supported. How many of these Rev 2 postings must we read and re-hash?