So Many Ways to Export Your Impulse

Everyone loves a system that is continuously improved with new interfaces, more ways to engage, and upgraded features, and Edge Impulse is happy to provide these constant improvements to users of our tools. The ways Edge Impulse’s Studio can deploy edge ML models are one area of regular expansion. Impulses made on our platform can already be used on almost any processor, but to take full advantage of the advanced features specific boards offer, we’re regularly updating to natively leverage the architecture and IP of those boards to give the best, quickest deployments possible. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Is there a way to export the data as CSV format?.My data is large and every time i exported it will be in “Json” format and i had to convert it to CSV manually which is time consuming

Hi @Joker147,

I put together a simple converter script in Python (Colab) to convert Edge Impulse JSON files to CSV. I hope it helps! Edge Impulse JSON to CSV · GitHub


It would be really awesome to include direct support for Google Coral TPUs. I managed to get a project converted - but it would be cool to directly get it out of Edge Impulse in working conditions without needed additional conversion. Especially with the new product line up of Coral on the horizon :slight_smile: (I however admit still love the original Google Coral USB TPU - its a cost and energy efficient way to “up your” Generic SBCs AI performance).

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I noticed you converted the code to run on the Coral Dev Board. Was it hard? Would you mind sharing or discussing how you accomplished this port?