Serialport-terminal: command not found

I am getting this error when I run:

serialport-terminal -b 115200

I thought it can be solved by running:

sudo ln -s ~/edge-impulse-cli/package/build/serial-daemon/cli/serialport-terminal.js /usr/local/bin/serialport-terminal

Yet, that didn’t solve it.

Kindly, advice.


Yes, this is a different package. If you’re on Linux it’s probably easier to use screen:

If it’s not installed, install GNU screen ( sudo apt-get install screen ). Then open a terminal and find out the handler for your device:

$ ls /dev/ttyACM*

Then connect to the board using screen:

sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200                # might not need sudo if set up lsusb rules properly

To exit, press CTRL+A then type :quit .
