Hi. I am using OpenMV H7 Plus as a camera to perform object detection, where I trained the model in Edge Impulse. I am using pre-trained model, MobileNet V2 0.1. When I run the code that Edge Impulse generate include with tflite file in OpenMV IDE, the bounding box shows circle in the center of my object. How I can change to rectangular bounding box for whole object instead of the circle on the center of the object? Is it I can change through website Edge Impulse or modify in the code. If need to modify in the code, please teach me how to do. Thanks
Hello @melayusejati02,
Which model have you selected?
MobileNet v2 backbones are compatible with both FOMO and SSD models.
SSD will output bounding boxes but FOMO will output centroids.
See here for a comparison of the models:
I am not sure that the OpenMV camera has enough resources to support SSD models.
For Fomo Object Detection using MobileV2, is it they track by colour? Based on the code that is generated by Edge Impulse, there is a line code shows colors. Or it detect based on the shape of object? Because the output of Fomo is centroid, not a bounding boxes. For OpenMV, I think it cannot support SSD Models while it supports MobileNetV2
Define colors
colors = [
(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (255, 255, 0),
(0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 255), (0, 255, 255),
(255, 255, 255),