Raspberry pi zero

Question/Issue: I have completed training a model and I want to deploy It to Raspberry pi zero W. I was able to download edge impulse runner but was unable to download the model and got error as " Architecture unsupported". I tried this method Install on Raspberry Pi Zero - Solved but this didn’t work. So how can I run my model on raspberry pi zero w with minimum memory consumption.
Is it possible to run the tflite model on zero or compile C++ . Please give me step by step instructions. Thank you.

Project ID:199763

*Context/Use case:

Hi @Aseel

Welcome to the forum!

Are you running 64bit or 32bit os on the pi zero? There was a previous discussion regarding that here

uname -a

There was a previous discussion on this forum regarding the C++ deployment on a pi zero if you wish to go that route:



I am using buster os 32 bit. Is it possible to run the downloaded tflite on live camera feed?