Questions about face recognition

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Hi @sd2324,

You can train an object detection model (e.g. MobileNetv2-SSD) to identify individual faces. However, that model is too large to run in a Wio Terminal. You will need something like a Raspberry Pi for that. You can use our FOMO algorithm to identify that a face (i.e. any face) exists in a general area of the image, but it likely will not be able to uniquely identify different faces.

As far as I know, CircuitPython does not have support for TensorFlow Lite Micro, so you would need to write your code in C++ (or Arduino) if you want to run a model trained in Edge Impulse on your Wio Terminal.

I get why you have questions about face recognition. It seems like everywhere you look, it’s being used, right? I think it’s pretty fascinating but also a bit tricky.

The tech has come a long way and can help with things like security and convenience. However, there are privacy concerns to think about. I wonder how much of our data is safe when tied to our faces. Checking out an identity validation service might be good if you consider using it for a project. They can help ensure everything’s done right. Overall, I believe it’s all about balancing innovation with safety.