Problems compiling Tensorflow lite on Edge Impulse Tiny Machine Learning Kit


I am using the Arduino IDE and I have the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense Lite from the Edge Impulse ML Kit. I have tested the board on some example codes that comes with the IDE such as temperature and accelerometer features and they work fine.

However, on testing the Tensorflow Lite ESP32 examples, all the sample codes including the hello world could not compile. The hello world code gives an error message: “Error compiling for board Arduino nano 33 Ble”. Some other Tensorflow lite examples simple say that some .h files could not be found.

Does this imply that the board has incompatibility issues with Tensorflow lite ESP32 modules?

Thank you

Project ID: 12345

Context/Use case:
Tensorflow Lite ESP32

The Nano and ESP use different CPUs so the example code for one will probably not work on the other with out some modifications.