Problem with nrf52840dk

hi ,i’m trying to connect my nrf52840dk board implimented with adafruit LSM6DSOX sensor to edge impulse,so first i’m supposed to load an application example of a Zephyr application that reads data from an accelerometerused(LSM6DSOX)on nrf52840dk board.Then i run the data forwarder using "edge-impulse-data-forwarder " command .However the building of this application example fails in vscode with error saying "[{
“resource”: “/…/src/main.cpp”,
“message”: “zephyr.h: No such file or directory”,
}] "

Hi @rania23

What project or tutorial are you following? Looks like you are not including the required files when trying to run



Hi @Eoin
i’m following the Data Forwarder example (Zephyr) in GitHub ,here is the link :