Problem with downloading an Edge Impulse file onto my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

Hello, this is my first question here, I am relatively new to this, when I download my Edge Impulse model to my raspberry pi, I get the following error:

Failed to run impulse Unsupported architecture “aarch64”, only armv7l or aarch64 supported for now

Can anyone tell me how I can fix this? I have tried using a 64 bit OS, but then I am getting the error message No such file or directory.

I am currently using 32 bit OS
Project ID:
Project ID: 247664

Context/Use case:

I am using the course provided by Edge Impulse on Coursera(Computer Vision with Embedded machine learning)

Welcome @someguy to the forum.

You should use the 64 bit OS to download the EIM for aarch64.
The issue about (after a quick search) looks related to picamera on arm64?. Can you try OpenCV instead.

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Hi @someguy,

I tracked this down, and there are a few things going on:

First, as @rjames mentioned, you need to use the 64-bit version of Raspberry Pi OS with Edge Impulse models.

Second, Raspberry Pi dropped support for the Picamera package going forward with Bullseye. This is what causes the “ No such file or directory” error message. Please use Picamera2 instead. I have updated the examples in the course’s repo to use Picamera2. You can see an example capturing live images from the Pi Camera using Picamera2 and performing inference here.

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