Payload sensors length should be larger than 0

Hi everyone. I am trying to upload my training data in data acquisition but I keep receiving this error. Please help. Thank you.

Hello @Sathya_Hariprrasant,

Can you share the first rows of your CSV here please?
This would help me to understand your issue.



Thank you Mr Louis. Here is the first few rows. Thank you for the help.

Hello @Sathya_Hariprrasant,

Have you tried to configure the CSV Wizard (available under the data acquisition page)?
Also can you make sure all your rows contain values? If not, you can try to interpolate them.



Hello Mr Louis,

I have done CSV Wizard but data interpolation, I haven’t done it. I will get back to you. This is the first time I doing data interpolation. Hence, I will be looking up on youtube and internet about it. However, if you know documentation or tutorial about it, please send the link. Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Hello @Sathya_Hariprrasant,

Here is the CSV Wizard documentation page: CSV Wizard - Edge Impulse Documentation
And for interpolation, I usually use pandas pandas.DataFrame.interpolate — pandas 2.1.1 documentation



Thank you very much, Sir.

Thank you sir. I solved the error. Before, I clicked “Yes it’s CO2” which caused the error. I should have clicked the other one. Thank you very much sir, for the help.

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