NVIDIA TAO model pruning for deployment


I’ve trained an NVIDIA Tao model(specifically YOLOv4 having MobileNetV2 backbone) and I want to deploy the same onto Grove Vision AI v2 which can support a model input of 3x224x224 and about 1.7 MB in size.

How can I post process(prune, retrain etc.) on Edge Impulse so that I can reduce the model size? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @karkapur

We don’t support that usage yet, but if you can describe your need and the use case I will share with the request with our tech team. :rocket:



Hi @karkapur

Do you have the option to scale up to a larger class of MCU for your project?

See some our docs for some options, or let us know if you have any in mind:



Hi @Eoin

Thanks for the quick reply! Unfortunately, at the moment I only have access to Grove Vision AI v2 which has a constraint of 2 MB SRAM(obv not all of the SRAM is available for the model). Would love some tips for target device options here? Currently using Seeed Vision AI module but Vision AI v2 has Cortex M55 and Ethos U55.

Additionally, I observed that the TAO YOLO SSD models are smaller in size(~1.6 MB for the MobileNetV2 3x224x224 backbone) but like all the other TAO models, the accuracy(or precision score on EI) is really bad about 9.2%(YOLOv4 - MobNetv2 3x224x224). Do you know the reason for this? My project ID is as follows: mouse vs cup - Dashboard - Edge Impulse

Also I noticed that here NVIDIA TAO (Object detection & Images) | Edge Impulse Documentation that not all backbones might be pre trained from NVIDIA. Is that correct or am I interpreting it wrong? Do you have a detailed guide for the pre-trained models from NVIDIA TAO and the models trained by EI on ImageNet?

Another quick question: how do I change the model being optimized in EON tuner?


Hi @karkapur

It should indeed be pre-trained.

I see you are working for Himax are you engaging with our solutions team? I think you would be best to work with them on TAO as it is something I dont have a lot of experience with yet. (still waiting for my test device to arrive :smiley: )



I am now in touch with Karan, thank you @Eoin