No OpenMV option shows in the Deployment page?

Hi @Stimpy,

I am not familiar with the servo control options on the OpenMV. You will need to ask the OpenMV developers on their forum. Here is one such discussion thread on controlling servos that may offer some insights.

Hi Shawn;
You may (or may not) be intrerested in knowing that I got the I2C bus up on P4&P5, so that worked. Then I was able to offload all the servo management to the attending ARD MEGA. microPython is proving a bit of a struggle. But I have blob detection running and outputting lots of data into the I2C Pipe. This will only crash the system occasionally. I’m assuming on the feeble frame space. So in theory with the good camera, it should perform better.

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Hi @Stimpy,

That’s great news! I’m glad to hear that you got it working (most of the time).