Question/Issue: I keep on getting a mingw32-make error when trying to build my c++ library on windows:
make (e=87): The parameter is incorrect.
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:110: app] Error 87
“Building standalone classifier OK”
Project ID: 315617
Context/Use case: I am trying to run local inferencing on a raspberry pico W of a tflite model I have. I deploy the project as a C++ library, and upon downloading the library and adding the files to the “example-standalone-inferencing-master” template I run “build.bat” in the command line. It is building the project for about 5 minutes until I get the make (e=87): The parameter is incorrect error. I’m having a tough time troubleshooting and could use some assistance! It seems its having an issue with line 110 of the makefile, which is just the else line in the block:
ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT)
if not exist build mkdir build
mkdir -p $(BUILD_PATH)