Microbit Keywords and IR-Signal

Hello! I am a teacher from Germany and I want to voice control a projector with my students. We would like to use the microbit for this. Is it possible to teach the microbit several keywords (beamer on, beamer off, freeze)? Then not only a smile should appear, but a signal should be sent to the projector via an IR transmitter. Can we adjust this somewhere in the code in the git hub repo? We can’t find any code for it… Thank you very much!

Hi @HerrRauser,

Yes you can use multiple keywords. Once you’ve trained and downloaded the C++ library, you can modify the following file. Look for the INFERENCING_KEYWORD definition, it’s being compared to during inferencing. You could add multiple keyword definitions in this file and add your own logic to the code.


Hey @aurel , thanks for the quick reply! That sounds very good. Just one question: Can you tell me where in the code I have to put my logic? We don’t see that. Thank you very much for your help! Many greetings

Hi @HerrRauser,

The label is being compared here. You can add your logic after the comparison if it matches your keywords.


Hello again! I’m not sure if I posted my last post in the right forum - so I’m posting it here:
I keep getting an error message when creating the hex file. After trying for a long time - I have no idea why. I installed the correct GNU ARM I think. Is there a solution for this?

Addendum: I tried to create the hex file with Docker on my Raspberry. I also get a similar error message. Thanks for the help!