License / Price

will the project put under license in the Furure or will it cost money?


Hi Peter, we don’t charge individual developers money to use Edge Impulse, and this will probably not change in the future (except maybe some usage-based charges if people use lots of compute).

The code that we output is Apache 2.0 licensed and open-source, so this can be freely used in commercial products without a license from us.

Hi Jan,

that sounds nice :slight_smile:


Hi just trying to understand the commercial implications a little more deeply before diving in.

You don’t charge individual developers but what is the story with small companies and startups etc.

Hi @gjsmith, you can use the free version from first try all the way to production, no license fees, code deployed under a royalty-free license. There are some limits in file sizes, compute time, and a single user per project.

There is an enterprise version that brings team collaboration, commercial support, higher compute limits, more compute, and tools to manage larger projects and datasets. This is priced per project per month.