When a patient is admitted to a hospital, one of the first things to happen is the insertion of an intravenous (IV) drip line. This is to ensure that the patient stays hydrated and to prevent electrolyte imbalances that could further complicate any other health issues that are present. The drip also provides a quick way to administer any needed IV medications. Despite the ubiquity of this first step in a treatment plan, IV drips carry significant risks with them. Chief among those risks is the total emptying of the IV bag. If a bag empties while still attached to a patient, it can introduce air bubbles into the bloodstream that may travel to the brain, heart, or lungs and cause a heart attack, stroke, or respiratory failure.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.edgeimpulse.com/blog/keep-your-fluids-up-with-arduino-and-edge-impulse