I’m uploading time series data in CSV files that I converted to JSON using the convert.py example.
Things are mostly working, but I had a couple of questions relative to the payload names.
the device name does not show in the detailed view of the uploaded data. I tried loading it as both “device_name” and “device_type”. The name does show for data that I loaded with the data forwarder.
if I want to use timestamps with microsecond values, what do I use to replace “interval_ms”?
I probably missed this in the documentation, but is there a place that explains all the available data fields?
Are you setting device_name in the payload structure? If we see a device name there the device is added to the Devices tab in the Studio and it should show. Could you share an example JSON file here?
You can use fractions here, e.g. 0.0625 for 16000Hz.
I already have the device associated with my project, so maybe that’s redundant in this case.
I was trying to populate the Device field in the Collected data. The first entry below is from the Data Forwarder and the second entry is from the Uploader. (the data does have different sample rates as I was experimenting). I also just noticed that the Uploader has the wrong created date/time. I guess I need to fix my timestamps. I’ve just been using millis() as the timestamp to get the correct interval.
Hi Jan,
Quick update. I must have done something wrong earlier. I just changed my convert.py to offset the timestamp with the conversion time which is close enough for my purposes. I noticed when I uploaded that the Device field is now displaying okay. Sorry for the bad info.
I noticed that I’m getting an invalid signature indication, but I had that on previous uploads so I’ll look into that later.