Issue with Installing Additional Tools for Node.js for Edge Impulse Client

Hi! I’m trying to install the Edge Impulse CLI for the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. I was able to successfully install the arduino-cli (checked on terminal). I’m running into this issue when installing tools for node js (i have v20.3.1).

I’m not sure how to resolve this (seems like a dependency issue)… I’m currently running windows 11.

Any suggestions are welcome!

Hi @cvillanue

It looks like you are having trouble installing the Chocolatey package manager from the above screenshot.

If you just follow the links and steps to install as a standard exe then it should work.



Hi Eoin,

Thank you so much for responding! I have followed the steps as noted, however I am still encountering the same error (I’ve uninstalled node.js & re-installed clicking the additional tools box when prompted.

Would i need to manually install the additional tools?

I’ve been having the same problem. Have tried on 3 different machines and usually get a fail on the ‘kb2919355’ but hit a variety of issues on each. I thought it might be a conflict with previously installed python or vs/vscode so tried it on a brand new computer and got other errors.

Bumping this thread. @cvillanue if you got it figured out I’d love to hear how. I’ll post solutions if I find one.

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Since no one else has posted the fix:

My installation issue appears to have been with the powershell script ran by the Node.JS additional tools installer. Usually related to chocolatey.

Fix was installing chocolatety separately.

(Win 10)

1 - Delete chocolatey files in Program Data (view hidden files)

2 - Uninstall Node.JS

3 - Open powershell as admin and execute the script from

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’))

3 - Reinstall Node.JS with additional tools, it should bypass chocolatey and update packages.

Hope this helps if anyone else has the issue.

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Hi @Mwas

Thanks for sharing!

Lets see if we can capture the info for docs updates :smiley:



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Choco is a super package mgmt tool generally, this is the first issue I’ve seen @Mwas but then again I’m not using Win that often.

Reinstall Node.JS with additional tools, it should bypass chocolatey and update packages.

Did you try to do this via Choco first?

I’m more on the embedded side, I’ve got some catching up to do on JS!

I simply ran the powershell script for choco before re-installing Node.JS via downloaded file, I did not try to install Node.JS via choco if that’s what you mean. But that got it to work

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