Issue in interfacing OV7675 Camera to Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense


I have the Arduino Nano 33 TinyML Kit. I have been trying to set up the OV7675 camera to work but it somehow doesn’t get initialised.

I have followed the steps to set up the hardware mentioned in

The Library that I am using is, GitHub - tinyMLx/arduino-library: This repository holds the Arduino Library for the EdX TinyML Specialization. I had started with the test_camera sketch. There can be no problem with the connections as I am using the breakout board.

I am now doubting if the camera module is faulty. Is there any way, I can check if the camera module is functional or not? I hope the Arduino pins are not at fault :sweat_smile:

Thanks in advance for the help!

Hi @soumyaranjansabat

What version of the arduino nano ble board are you using, and what version of the arduino cli etc?

Please share this as you may have some incompatible version.

Hardware is unlikely to be at fault unless you didn’t connect the board fully or have bent a pin etc. You can check with the arduino forum if you believe its a hardware fault. They should be able to give steps to report that.

