Is it possible to read water meter using esp32 cam?

I want to read water meter using esp32 cam. Is it possible to implement.
Please, somebody answer me.

Hello @Nyein,

Yes it’s possible.
You can get inspired from this article:



Regarding ESP-EYE specs:

  • The camera is a OV2640 with 2 million pixels has a 66.5° field of view and a maximum resolution of 1600x1200. You can change the resolution when developing applications.
  • 8M PSRAM
  • Here is what the camera sees when running an 96x96 pixel Impulse:
    ESP-EYE 96x96 px - Copy

Here is what the camera sees when running an 320x320 pixel Impulse:

Your ESP-CAM can use 10 different cameras including the OV2640 and has 4M PSRAM.