Ingestion-sdk-c: creating .cbor on esp32 esp-idf

I would like to use esp32 for data collection, posting .cbor data via http-client POST. Esp-idf recommends creating components, I would like to have a .cbor creation component.

Running make with the xtensa-esp32-elf- toolset seems to make all the .o files but I am not sure how to prevent it from creating a standalone binary. at the end get /cpu_start.c:583: undefined reference to app_main’`

Has anyone done this. What would my makefile look like? Has anyone seen a cmake version?

Am I better off using Google’s IoT Core Embedded C SDK?

Hi @mcktimo,

@rafaelbidese wrote an example some time ago to collect data with an ESP32-Cam: It’s using Arduino but it is a good starting point.
