How do I adjust the filtering parameters?

How do I adjust the filtering parameters when identifying keywords, such as how I deploy the model to the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense board and how I add my own filtering after sound acquisition, I have tried for a long time but have not been able to achieve it

Hello @Arch,

What kind of filtering you want to do?
You mean before passing the audio raw data to your impulse?
Or add a custom filtering in as a pre-processing step in your impulse?



Thank you Louis
Yes I want to add my own bandpass filter before the impulse handed to me by the raw data so that I can quickly modify my code to get the test results I need without having to train my impulse again every time

So you can add a step in your data acquisition (both before collecting data and before passing the buffer to the classifier function). However, once you’ve got the data in edge impulse, you won’t be able to modify this filter. So I would not necessarily recommend this option if you need to scale this project.



Thank you for the advice