Getting Predictions Back from the Edge
Deploying a small battery operated MCU device to the edge is one thing. When the device is part of a larger ecosystem, getting the machine learning predictions and other data back to a central evaluation center is crucial.
This project uses
- the Edge Impulse Studio a machine learning model creation studio,
- a Sony Spresense MCU,
- an Seeed Studio moisture sensor with an analog voltage output, and
- the Arduino IDE.
Here a long range radio is investigated that uses
- the LoRa radio protocol,
- MCCI’s — Arduino LoRaWAN open-source library,
- The Things Network owned and operated by its users, and
- the Mathworks ThingsSpeak service.
The execution time for the moisture data to run thru the Edge Impulse DSP and Classifier is sub-millisecond!
The custom Edge Impulse model can be cloned here.
The Spresense code and overall project details are here.